Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The way we should be

I guess it was really meant to end this way.

I'd always imagined that by this time, I'd have done a lot of things. By the time I turned 25, I thought I would be a lawyer... or at least taking the bar this September. I'd also imagined myself with you.

Life gets in the way. Nothing turned out the way I planned. There were heartless professors and the professors who had to teach me things other than what I read in law books. I had to eat a slice of humble pie, spit out a few painful feelings, laugh alone in public. I also got to meet new people... people who caught my attention for a while so that I can slowly let you go. Fate has a sick sense of humor and I can't help but laugh along with it.

I'm 25. I'm not a lawyer yet nor am I taking the bar this year. I'm not with you.

But I'm happy. I'm happy because if I did end up with you, I certainly wouldn't be here, I'd be missing a few more precious memories that I keep dearly now. I'm happy because were it not for the obstacles, I would never be the samurai sword I am now, wielded, exposed to fire, molded several times to be of value to someone... even if it's not you.

This is exactly where I want to be... how I want to be. It took me a long time to get here but what matters is that I'm here and I'm happy. This is exactly where I should be. I can truly say that I have moved on.

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