Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A breath of fresh air

It's been a while since we've had a baby around, and none of them were girls... I think I was the last baby girl around. You're one of the luckiest little girls ever born and let me tell you why.

You're surrounded by people who love you. You'll never be alone, believe me--not in this family. You'll always have someone to turn to. I'll always be there for you the way I'm always there for your kuyas. Your parents haven't asked me yet but I know that even if they don't I'll still be your Ninang... or at least you'd end up calling me that (makikigaya ka sa mga kuya mo). And true to the forgotten definition of a Ninang, you can always turn to me as another parent (only much more fun... hehe). I will be for you what my Ninangs have been for me. It will be that way even if I have my own children... I will make time for all of you.

You're the only baby girl in the house right now. And let me tell you from experience how much fun it is... You're going to be the center of attention. You're going to be everybody's favorite doll. And also, let me warn you about the disadvantages, little baby. Prepare those rosy cheeks for constant pinching. Prepare your whole body for the neverending cuddling up until the next baby comes. Prepare your ears for the baby talk. But don't worry, it's all done in good faith and it's really enjoyable... at least for us, the people who'd be doing the cuddling. You'll get more than a fair share of hugs and kisses. And they'll be overprotective of you. Plus the endless teasing when the boys start to line up at the doorstep. By the way, prepare to be drowned in dolls and stuffed toys. And remember, Ninang is always here to play with you. I'm willing to forget Poli, Crim and everything else for a couple of hours to spend time with you kids.

Of course, like any concerned adult, I come to you with warnings of the big bad world. Don't let all the attention get to your head. Not everybody in this world will welcome you with the same attitude, baby. And as you get older, you will get hurt. I can't protect you from everything and neither can your parents. As hard as your brothers may try, they can't anticipate each and every harmful thing that would come your way. But if you do get hurt (and I guarantee you that one way or another you will), learn from them. It's what makes us stronger. And know that you can always turn to your family for comfort. Learn from your mistakes, and learn from ours. Listen to other people and when you've exhausted all your remedies, call for help. Say the magic word and Ninang will be there for you... to help you with homework, introduce you to the world of chocolates and shopping, take you to movies and girls' days out (the way I take your brothers on "dates") and just to sit and talk.

Never fail to look at the brighter side of things. There's always light at the end of the tunnel and according to one of your kuya's favorite movies... we fall so we learn to pick ourselves up.

Welcome to the world, Zoe. You're truly a breath of fresh air.

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