Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Poor Unfortunate Soul

I'm beginning to think that God is punishing me for my constant laziness.

I lost my voice. I sang my heart out last Sunday and I lost my voice by midnight. I lost it at the worst possible time. It's my turn to examine a witness this afternoon. I've prepared scripts since last week. I printed out neat copies, highlighted the objectionable parts, gave them to opposing counsel and the witnesses. Being the obsessive person that I am, I color coded the scripts, printed out the questions on little cards and prepared the kick-ass outfit (minus the scandalous skirt).

Then came Monday morning. My voice was lower than usual. Pambie, Resly and Mado called it the bedroom voice. I thought it couldn't get any worse but it did. I woke up Tuesday morning with no voice at all and I had to get by using sign language. It was hard trying to keep quiet the whole day. I practically ate a whole box of Claire's Riccola lozenges just so I can talk a little... you know, ask the necessary questions, give the needed answers. I even had to get excused from Poli Rev recitations because it hurt to talk. It reminded me of the Little Mermaid where Ariel lost her voice. Of course, I had no prince to speak of but still.

So I started drinking salabat by the pot and doing everything that the doctor suggested... warm water, warm water with salt, warm water with mouthwash, warm water with my meals, strepsils, antibiotics that made me sleep for ten straight hours...

I'm still waiting for the results. I need my voice by 3pm. I'm still drinking the salabat. I'm still thinking of actually drinking the warm water with salt instead of gargling it. I'm still trying to rehearse the script. I'm ready to sell my soul just to get my voice back. Now, where do I find the squid lady that answers to the name Ursula? Maybe I should try singing "Under the Sea" and she'll come out. Oh, I forgot. I lost my voice.

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