Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Better late than never... an appeal to all ethnic groups

Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the online petition: "Filipino Americans demand for apology from ABC and Desperate Housewives" hosted on the web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at: http://www.petitiononline.com/FilABC/petition.html

This is not just about Filipinos or the medical profession. If the writers of the show feel comfortable enough to target a particular group (in this case, our doctors), what's to stop the from slandering other ethnic groups or professions? Who's going to be next? African Americans? Mexicans? teachers? lawyers (though they deserve it half the time =P )? mothers? Chinese?

They say we should focus on our problems regarding poverty and corruption. But with comments like the one given in the show, we will never get the chance to pick ourselves up from where we fell... they will never give us the chance.

People say that the writers and Teri Hatcher should pray that they never find themselves in the hands of a Filipino medical professional because they might exact revenge. But let's prove them wrong. Let's show these insensitive people that we are better than they are, that we will not sink to their level. Let their consciences shout out to them if they ever get sick and are cured by the quality doctors and nurses that came from "some med school in the Philippines."

We're defensive because we know that the statement is an utter falsity. That's our excuse. What's theirs?

*it's sad because i used to think that they had a brilliant script writer to come up with lines that went straight to your heart. yes, the lines do pierce your heart in every way and this time, it made my heart bleed.

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